This riding seat course was designed to give the newer firefighters an overview on what to say on the the radio, as well as, what to look for on the way to calls and on arrival. It is also a great refresher for those who have been around for a while. After each in-service, we will post the power point. Once all power points have been added, there will be a short test added to the end, so that you can get a certificate showing completion. Officers and veteran employees, please help your newer co-workers and assist them in this training. This course is broke down into several sections:

Part 1: Wires Down

Part 2: Gas Leaks

Part 3: MVCs

Part 4: Brush Fires

Part 5: Structure Fires - Pre Arrival

Part 6: Structure Fires - Arrival

This course is a quick power point presentation that discusses the roles and responsibilities of the first arriving fire company (and any one else on scene) when it comes to fire investigation. The fire investigator has a tremendous job to do, and it can be very difficult at times determining the cause of the fire, and/or the origin of the fire. There are things that you can do when you are on scene to assist them with this investigation. This is just an introductory course, and is not all inclusive. You are encourage to take more classes, for example: Fire Origin and Cause Determination for Company Officers at GPSTC, to help supplement the learning today.

This is an entry level course into the art of reading smoke.  There are many awesome videos on YouTube of various types of smoke conditions. We encourage you to practice this skill as much as you can. Just like anything else, the more you practice, the better you will become. 

Please complete the 10 question quiz after viewing the PowerPoint!

This course covers Pump Service Testing procedures. This course is intended to prepare the Fire Apparatus Operator to assist in conducting a Pump Service Test.

This course is degined to review emergency scene accountability.